Staplehurst School


Whether you are a prospective parent of the school, a new parent to the school or a well established one, the staff, Governors and Leadership Team thank you for visiting our school website.
Our school has established a warm and welcoming environment where pupils are encouraged to aim high! We provide a quality education to all our pupils helping them learn, as future citizens and lifelong learners. Our curriculum is broad and balanced. It is enriched with trips, visits, productions and extra curricular activities. We offer opportunities for children to excel in a variety of ways.


06 Mar

Please click here for details of this special menu.

06 Mar

Please click here to access a letter from Mrs Turner regarding this years World Book Day celebrations.

· Children will not be asked to dress up on the day.
· There will be a book review competition with the prize being a book token.

10 Mar
03:15PM - 03:45PM

The PTA are holding a World Book Day Raffle week commencing 10th March. Please see poster for details.

14 Mar
08:50AM - 09:30AM

Parent/ Carers of Year 2 pupils are invited to attend.

Staplehurst School playground, with children using the playing equipment.

